Thursday, November 3, 2016

New Monster: Golden Jelly

Originally I'd planned to open this blog with a series of essays exploring B/X D&D but writing them was getting tedious so I decided to shelve them. Besides, I imagine most people read these OSR blogs for elements they can directly import into their campaign, so I think I'll focus on monsters, magic items and traps for the time being. Over the next few days I'll be digging through my notes and finding some old monsters I created (I think I'll start with a series on oozes).

Full disclaimer: I may have lifted the monster in this post from another OSR blog and embellished it a bit. If so, feel free to let me know and I'll give the proper accreditation.



Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: variable
Move: 60' (20')
Attacks: 1 per 2 HD
Damage: 1-6
No. Appearing: 1
Save As: F5
Morale: 12
Alignment: N

The existence of the golden jelly is simple: it lives to consume light. Torches, campfires, magical auras: this xanthous creature yearns after and swallows them all.

Golden jellies form deep underground in dungeons and natural caverns. In their color and viscosity, they resemble honey. The genesis of a golden jelly is unclear; some philosophers propose that they are a physical manifestation of the dark's want for light.

When any light (magical or mundane) is brought into a golden jelly's presence, the light will flicker or blink for a few moments before being extinguished. The jelly gains additional hit dice for each light extinguished thus, with the amount depending on the type of light: 1/2 for candles, 1 for lanterns or torches, 2 for campfires, and 3 for magical light.  The jelly should probably be limited in the amount of HD it can gain in a specific time period -- say 5 in a ten minute turn. Note that if the jelly extinguishes a magical light (for example, that of an enchanted sword) it will never shine again.

For every 2 HD the jelly possesses, it gains one pseudopod attack doing 1d6 damage. The jelly's pseudopods are faintly luminescent so it is possible to strike at them even in the dark. However, they are small and fast moving and as such should be treated as having AC 4. The jelly may also expend 1d8 hit points in order to release a burst of stored light (effectively blinding anyone in its presence if they fail a saving throw).

When first encountered a jelly will have 2d3 HD.

If the party encountering the jelly has multiple lights they should be extinguished in sequence so the party can watch the jelly grow more and more monstrous as their light dwindles.

What should happen if a jelly is exposed to the sun is up to each DM to decide individually.

Optionally, a golden jelly can gain different light-based spells as it grows larger. Using these should always require the jelly to expend xd8 hit points, with x being the level of the spell.

Golden jellies are immune to damage from blunt weapons, but take full damage from bladed weapons. A darkness spell should destroy a golden jelly outright if it fails its saving throw. The effects of other spells should be decided on a case-by-case basis. Generally, golden jellies are susceptible to magic.

Legends tell that if a golden jelly reaches full maturity (20 HD), it evolves into an utterly different being.


  1. Good monster. Good luck with your blog!

    1. Great to hear from you! Your blog was one of my primary inspirations in embarking on this journey. I only discovered it recently but I've been working through your backlog; your posting frequency is remarkable and the content is always high quality. The dungeon maps are great, too, in their layout and aesthetics. It's interesting to see a real, proper megadungeon unfold in real-time. Glad to have guys like you carrying the Gygaxian tradition forward!
